The Family of Rosa Anna Abbott and John Joseph LaValle

Photo and Sources

Description: Edward and Elizabeth Jacob Abbott, 50th Wedding Anniversary, September 9, 1930, Children and Grandchildren.

Left to Right
Front Row:
Elizabeth Anna �Libby� ABBOTT FELKER, Virginia MILLARD HORNISH, Elizabeth Virginia ELLISTON FLEISHAUER, George Edward ABBOTT, Marian Ruth ABBOTT WALKER, Charlotte ABBOTT DUDT, Marjorie ABBOTT PAGE, Mildred Ruth DILLNER

Mrs. BIESWENGER (minister's wife), Rosana (Rose) ABBOTT DONLEY (holding Harold Edward LAVALLE DONLEY), [both later DONLEY], Edward Adolph ABBOTT, Jr., holding Lois Jean ABBOTT PETERS, Katherine Clara ABBOTT ELLISTON, Grandfather Edward Adolph ABBOTT, Grandmother Elizabeth "Lizzie" A. JACOB ABBOTT, Christopher/Christian George ABBOTT, Albert William ABBOTT.

3rd row:
Margaret JACOB, Katherine JACOB, Anna Elizabeth McKOWN ABBOTT holding Bertha Emma ABBOTT THOMAS, Ruth GEYSER ABBOTT, Gertrude MEYER ARNOLD (daughter of Kate), John ELLISTON, Emma L. ABBOTT DILLNER, Clara Louise ABBOTT MILLARD, Howard Harry ABBOTT, Magdelena "Helena" Elizabeth ABBOTT JEFFERY holding Shirley Jean JEFFERY McCALLUM, Florence COLVIN ABBOTT, Frances "Fannie" FORSE ABBOTT (wife of Albert), Aunt Anna ABBOTT DOERR (Grandfather Abbott's sister.)

4th row:
Rev. BIESWENGER, John Joseph LAVALLE, Edward Joseph MEYER (son of Kate), Clarence Frederick ABBOTT, (son of John DILLNER), William John DILLNER, Fred MILLARD, Ella BOGGS ABBOTT, Ralph Lloyd Chapman JEFFERY, John Edward "Jack" ABBOTT (son of Albert and Fannie), William George ABBOTT (son of Christopher and Florence.)

*Rev. Bieswenger was the pastor of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 731 Excelsior St., Allentown, Pittsburgh, PA. Founded January 1, 1894. Edward and Liz attended there in later years because it was one of the few remaining German-speaking Lutheran Churches in the area.
Source: Collections of Rosana (Rose) ABBOTT DONLEY and Gertrude MEYER ARNOLD
Location: Mount Lebanon, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Date: 1930

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